And we don’t mean how much does it sell. We’re talking about the UX (excuse the annoying acronym – user experience). What does your online presence say about you? How well are you projecting your organisation’s mission, vision and values? Are you fairly or unfairly represented? Do you even know?
Part of our remit is to measure a firm’s online presence – everything from the obvious ‘shop window’ of its website through to the whole experience a visitor goes on if they encounter your business via Facebook, Twitter, Linked In and blog sites. Your entire online ‘performance’ (taa daaah) forms such an integral, vital part of your brand, it’s something we take seriously and look at from every angle.
“Businesses are coming to understand that what goes on the web stays on the web” (Source: Steve Parrish, Forbes) – as in, it NEVER goes away. If you’re unsure about what you are communicating and how you are being perceived, we can help. If you’re not communicating anything, we can help with that too.